Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Avon we Care

Over the last several days, Hurricane Harvey has brought catastrophic flooding and wind damage to Houston and the surrounding areas, resulting in loss of life and devastation to hundreds of thousands of people. The images are absolutely heartbreaking. The damages from Hurricane Harvey are expected to rival those of Hurricane Katrina and according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), recovery efforts will take years, with costs expected to reach tens of billions of dollars. 

Our hearts goes out to our Avon sisters and brothers who have suffered, and continue to suffer, the effects of this epic natural disaster. Representatives, Coaches, and our customers, along with their friends, family, and neighbors, need our help. We are working with local Sales Leaders, Representatives, Coaches, and first responders to provide several shipments of personal care and houseware products to area shelters, including Houston-based domestic violence shelters. We know our caring Avon community wants to share their love and support.

On August 30th you can add product number 258076 to your C19 order. Avon will send a Hurricane Relief Bundle to area shelters for our sisters and brothers in distress, cost just $10. 
Let's show we care. This is a great way for Everyone to Contribute to those affected. #avon #wecare

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